Are Smart Women More Prone to Divorce?

Katya Koval
1 min readMay 10, 2024


According to a study entitled “Outwitting Divorce: How Intelligence Can Keep Couples Together,” people with higher intelligence have unique cognitive and interpersonal skills that decrease their risk of divorce. That they may be more thorough and thoughtful about important life decisions such as marriage. They may also be more likely to delay marriage until they are ready.

This therefore indicates that women who are smarter or equally smart as men are in fact less likely to divorce because of their ability to use their intelligence effectively and make rational decisions.

An article published on Aussie Divorce also states that traditional logic may lead us to believe that men may be intimidated by women who are smarter than they are. But studies in 2000–2004 revealed that couples of equal intelligence had a 66% chance of remaining married than in the case of marriages where the husband had more formal education than his wife.

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