Why Does a Younger Man Want an Older Woman?

Katya Koval
5 min readJun 10, 2024


Is it because she’s smart and has got her life together?

Is it because she’s independent and financially stable?

Or is it because both of them have something to bring to the table?

Let’s look at the statistics.

In a 2023 survey conducted by Bumble, 63% of respondents stated that age is not a defining factor when dating, and 59% of female respondents say they’re more open to dating someone younger.

We are seeing people slowly breaking the norm of the traditional dating setup, where younger women were always viewed as more fertile and appealing. It made sense for men to pursue women who were young and healthy, which would translate as more capable and nurturing when it comes to giving birth and raising a family.

But then there are men who don’t want marriage or kids just yet, and older women who are past that stage can be an attractive match for younger guys.

In today’s modern dating scene, it’s not just women who are open to dating someone younger. Men are also becoming more open to age gap relationships.

Moreover, an article on Psychology Today highlights a study that found that many women experienced heightened levels of sexual pleasure with younger male partners, that they were drawn to younger men’s sexual stamina, and that dating younger men allows them to break down social barriers that they traditionally face in relationships.

Other common reasons older women date younger men include:

  • Younger men are attractive
  • It gives them an ego boost
  • Younger men tend to have great respect and admiration for older women’s life experiences
  • Younger men have more energy
  • The experience itself is exciting

The “older woman younger man” setup is nothing new, although it seems to face more stigma compared to when an older man is dating a younger woman. Even with all the data and research conducted on people’s dating preferences, it all boils down to exactly that — sometimes, it’s nothing more than a preference.

But why this type of relationship setup faces more scrutiny is what makes it interesting. This therefore begs the question: Why indeed would a younger man want to date an older woman?

Obviously, she’s more mature.

Maturity can never be overrated. You just handle situations better when you’re mentally and emotionally mature — and people are drawn to that, regardless of gender.

When a young lad sees a mature woman who knows what she wants and how to carry herself, it elicits positive emotions that may lead him to develop feelings of attraction towards her.

Knowing how men prefer to take a straightforward approach when it comes to resolving problems, a woman with a similar mindset tends to be an attractive choice.

Unsurprisingly, this is one of the same reasons younger women are attracted to or have a preference for dating older men.

She knows what she wants.

Not a lot of people have their lives figured out in their 20s.

Whether it’s our passion, career, or relationship wants and needs, we have yet to acquire a certain amount of experience to fully understand what makes us feel fulfilled.

This is something we strive to achieve, so when we meet someone who has their life figured out, we are almost always drawn to them.

It makes the relationship feel less demanding and more focused on other aspects pertaining to desires and needs.

A lot of women in their 30s and 40s look so much younger.

Dating trends are always evolving, and the same can be said about beauty standards.

A lot of women are committed to their skin care routine, and it’s evident that all kinds of beauty products aid in making women look young and chic.

We can see a lot of women at the gym too. Apart from being mindful about taking care of their beauty, they also strive to take care of their health.

Being with an older woman is also an ego boost.

Older women are often perceived to have higher standards. And it’s easy for a younger man to think that an older woman with more experience won’t give him the time of day. But when he does find one and she is just as interested in dating him, it makes him feel even more confident and worthy.

According to an article by Verywell Mind, younger men are flattered when an older woman with more experience finds their interactions interesting enough to date them.

Money is not necessarily a problem.

This is probably the biggest elephant in the room when it comes to the relationship dynamics of an older woman and younger man.

While women generally like being pampered by their man, a lot of empowered, confident, and financially stable women don’t feel the need to have someone look after them.

For a young man who has yet to establish a good career or build up his life savings, this can be a huge relief and turn-on. But for those who are merely looking for a sugar mommy, a high value woman will be able to smell them from a mile away.

She will have refined her sexual preferences.

Let’s face it. A lot of young men are sexually active, and it can be a refreshing experience when they meet a woman who knows how she wants to be pleased.

Men therefore don’t feel as pressured, and both parties are able to explore and enjoy each other’s sexual preferences.

A change in power dynamics can be sexy to some men.

This is just another example of men and women breaking social barriers in terms of dating preferences. While a lot of men still prefer to take the lead, some find it enticing to see older successful women taking charge.

Their confidence and knowledge make it easier for them to voice out their preferences as well. And for men who are open to this change in power dynamics, it can be an exciting experience. Plus, they get to learn something from these women.

But does an older woman want a younger man?

Based on everything I’ve read so far, I have two conclusions, and they both correlate: one is that the “older woman younger man” dating setup is a growing trend, and two is that more and more people continue to embrace new dating experiences.

Individual preferences aside, I think both genders are simply giving themselves the opportunity to try something outside of the norm. With something as complex as dating, it definitely helps to have a stimulating experience, regardless of whether it’s considered “new” or “taboo.”

As I said, dating trends are always evolving. Who’s to say our preferences can’t evolve too?

What do you think?

Does this type of relationship sound enticing to you?

