Are women happier with less attractive men?

Katya Koval
2 min readMay 8, 2024
Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash

Here’s what I think:

Less attractive men often treat their attractive partners better. That could be the reason why women with less attractive partners are happier than those with very attractive male partners.

Men who feel that they are “less” attractive than their partner are more likely to compensate for their lack of better looks.

In most cases, they treat their partner more kindly — they are more understanding, they treat their woman like a queen, they surprise them with gifts, sexual favors, and even offer to do extra housework. This, in turn, makes their partner feel happier and more appreciated.

In a way, I understand how being with a less attractive partner can make a woman happier. However, I doubt this applies to everyone.

I’ve met guys who are not that good-looking and still treated their partners poorly. So, it’s not looks, but more on the character of the guy you’re dating.

At the end of the day, it all depends if the guy knows how to treat his woman.

